· case study · 3 min read
Tabral software has potential to save taxpayers millions of dollars
Statistics New Zealand has embraced an innovative, home-grown mobile software solution, developed by Auckland-based company Kinross Group Ltd. This solution revolutionises the way the Department collects data to compile its Consumer Price Index.
Tabral software is a groundbreaking solution for data gathering processes.
Statistics New Zealand has embraced an innovative, home-grown mobile software solution, developed by Auckland-based company Kinross Group Ltd. This solution revolutionises the way the Department collects data to compile its Consumer Price Index.
Statistics Minister Craig Foss has just announced the use of tablets is making data collection far more efficient. An example of this is the collection of fruit and vegetable prices from shops around New Zealand. This data is used in the Food Price Index and Consumer Price Index, which are used to measure inflation.
Tabral Software provides Real Time Data Collection
“This data, which has been collected with pen and paper for 100 years, is now in real time. Data collectors enter the price on their tablets, and it goes straight back to Statistics New Zealand. A whole lot of paperwork will disappear and a whole lot of time will be saved,” said Foss.
Foss went on to say, “Every week,Statistics New Zealand data collectors have had to visit shops around the country. They write down the price of 31 different fruit and vegetables, then courier the information back to Wellington. This is an excellent example of a government department utilising technology to ensure its services are efficient and provide value for money.”
Tabral Software is used in Government Departments
John Bruce, the CEO of Kinross Group Limited and architect of the Tabral software that drives the Statistic Departments new data gathering process, is delighted that Minister Craig Foss and the Statistics Department have gone public with their use of his company’s ground-breaking software.
“I hope it gives confidence to all the other government departments and places like DHB’s to implement our mobile data gathering solution, because it has the potential to save the tax payer millions of dollars each year. It’s great to see lots of New Zealand and overseas companies adopting our software that allows them to mobilise their workforce” said Bruce.
Tabral Software is an excellent solution for identifying risk
A particular focus for many businesses right now is improving health and safety. The immediacy of mobile data collection simply gives earlier detection of possible risks. Furthermore, New Zealand’s topographical extremes creates challenges; Kinross customers have responded positively to a unique Tabral feature.
The feature allows them to record their data on their devices, even when they are out of range of a cell tower. This means that companies who have workers in remote areas now have the capacity to store information on their devices. Once they return to the office and/or are back in range, they can send the information through.
Bruce said, “What we’ve created is a flexible tool that lowers administrative costs by reducing the time it takes to collect the data. New Zealand enterprises, government departments and even small to medium size business need to be more efficient and profitable.”